Saturday, February 14, 2009

Let's start at the very beginning...

Okay well, I can't lie. I probably wouldn't have a blog if it wasn't an assignment for my Media class this semester. I've tried to keep journals in the past, and I've always failed. The live-journal craze that seized my high school freshmen year did not interest me. Besides updating my status on facebook relatively often, I'd say I really don't have a "forum" to write or rather type away my feelings, observations, theories or activities. Nevertheless, I'll do my best to make this blog somewhat click-worthy. The majority of it will consist of posts about activities in class and media projects, but I'm hoping I'll end up utilizing it as a little bit more than that. And although judging from track record, I'm not too internet-savvy or particularly consistent, I'll try. But I can't lie--I'm not a born blogger.


  1. i've always wanted to start a blog, but always lacked the initiative. I'd have separate tabs for different issues i think about a lot, and i'd likely debate it all in the comments sections.

  2. and then at the top there'd be this giant banner, perhaps a scrolling marquis, and it would read "I HATE JOHN OROS". And there'd be this miniscule, infinitesimal, nearly microscopic asterisk, which'd lead to a disclaimer about how i don't *really* hate john oros, but i find his "i blog therefore i am" banner so annoying that I had to vent.

    and there'd be a cross so tiny, it'd be invisible to the naked eye, on that note, that'd direct you to yet another disclaimer, this one saying "but seriously, i hate john oros. what a freaking tool".
